Jo Macdonald

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The Only 3 Rules Parents Need to Know

Hundreds of books have been written about parenting and whilst you do of course need to learn the practical elements of caring for a baby such as how to bath them safely, change a nappy, etc. looking back at my years of parenting there are really only 3 rules that I think parents need to learn…

  1. If your baby is happy and you’re happy, don’t worry about what anyone else says. Seriously, if your baby is happy, healthy & thriving, and you are happy too, then don’t change a thing - no matter what any ‘expert’ says. Whether you’re breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, going to lots of groups/activities or staying home more, have your baby in your room with you or in the room next door, have a solid routine or none at all, the only thing that matters is that what you are doing is working for you and your baby and that you are both happy.

  2. You cannot spoil a baby. Babies can’t be loved too much or held too much. They are not manipulative, naughty, or little divas crying for attention. Babies have one form of communication in the early weeks… crying. And when they cry they are trying to let you know that they need something. Remember that the whole time they were in the womb they didn’t have to ask for anything. They were constantly nourished, warm, rocked as you moved, and never, ever alone. Once out in the world, all of that stops. They are utterly reliant on you. Rocking your baby to sleep will not result in a child who can’t sleep without you, and holding and comforting your baby when they cry won’t lead to a clingy toddler. Love them as much as possible and enjoy all the cuddles, because our children grow out of them much faster than we do!

  3. Quality over Quantity. This goes for material things (e.g. clothes, toys, etc.) but what I think is most important is applying this to our time. It doesn’t matter how many hours a day your life circumstances give you with your child each day, the important thing is to make that time count. It’s easy to think that the more time we spend with our kids the better, but it’s not that simple. Spending a whole day with a baby but constantly being on the phone chatting to friends, scrolling through social media, or watching Netflix is not going to benefit your baby. When you are with them, focus on them. When you’re feeding them, focus on just that. When you’re out with them in the stroller or sling, chat to them, smile at them, and interact. This is how they learn - both literally and emotionally. Make your time together really count.

There you have it, the 3 rules that every parent needs to know, in my opinion. What do you think of these rules? Let me know in the comments below, I’d love to hear from you.