Jo Macdonald

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Should You Worry About Milestones?

I’ve had a few mums asking recently about milestones, so I’m going to share my opinion on them. Remember, I’m not a medical professional so these are my personal thoughts based on my own experience as a mum. If you are worried about anything at all, always go to your chosen healthcare provider to seek advice. Okay, now that’s clear, I’ll share my thoughts.

I’m guessing that like a lot of parents you’ve read about the different milestones in the first few months/years of life. Maybe you’ve even printed out a copy and popped it on your fridge to keep an eye on.

But then… your baby doesn’t match the given timeline.

And you start to watch for signs… and talk to other mums… and look at other kids… and maybe you even call your parents to find out when you were sitting up/teething/reciting poetry (okay, maybe not that last one).

So, should you worry about baby milestones?

Yes… and No (in my opinion). Milestone lists are there to help you understand what to expect as your baby grows into a healthy, happy child. But it’s also important to remember that most babies/children get to things in their own time. Not every baby crawls, some go straight from sitting to walking, some speak sooner or later than others, some are ready for solids earlier and some like to wait a bit longer.

As long as your baby is happy and healthy, you can stop worrying.

Each of my children (and nieces and nephews) did things at different times. Some things they did earlier, some later, and they all got there in the end. It’s easy to see these milestones as a kind of checklist, and they can bring out the comparison queen in any of us. When our friend’s baby rolls over or starts talking or takes their first steps before our own child, we can’t help but look at our baby and wonder if they are behind. It’s normal human behaviour. Just remember that milestones are a guide, and aren’t there to cause you stress.

So, when should you worry about milestones?

Whether your baby has reached other milestones or not, if they aren’t putting on weight, don’t seem happy or engaged, and/or have other health concerns, then talking to your Dr, Health Visitor, or chosen health provider to make sure that everything is okay is always a good idea. And, even if you haven’t noticed any of these things but feel that something isn’t right, always trust your instincts and talk to a professional. For your own peace of mind and your baby’s wellbeing it’s always better to get things checked out.

To sum up: remember that baby milestones are a guide NOT a strict timetable.

What do you think about milestones? Do they worry you or do you try not to pay too much attention? Let me know in the comments.