Jo Macdonald

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Discover The Benefits of Child's Pose For New Mums

If you’ve ever done a yoga class then you’ll probably have done child’s pose. It’s one of those poses that pops up no matter what style of yoga you prefer and is often referred to as a ‘Resting Pose’. However, just because it’s what I call a Foundation Pose, doesn’t mean it’s going to look or feel the same for everyone - we all have different bodies and needs - and that’s why it’s good to know the different variations that are available.

I’ve got a video in my Mama Love Library that goes through the different ways you can do Child’s Pose to fit your body. It’s free (along with lots of other great resources for new mums) - just hop over here to gain access.

Okay, let’s take a look at some of the benefits of Child’s Pose (Balasana) and why you want to add it to your daily movement routine.

1. Relaxation and Stress Relief: Child's Pose is like a comforting hug for your entire being - when you get it right for your body. As you gently fold your body forward, your breath deepens, releasing tension and anxiety. It provides an opportunity to let go, unwind, and find a calm oasis amidst the chaos.

2. Restorative for the Body: After the physical demands of childbirth, Child's Pose offers much-needed rest and rejuvenation. As it’s a pose that you can safely hold for several minutes (with the right variation for your body) it can help to activate the Parasympathetic Nervous System which helps you feel relaxed and calm. Remember that after birth it’s best to wait 6 weeks before resuming yoga and to get the go-ahead from your health professional, especially if you’ve had a C-Section or any tearing.

3. Gently Stretches: Child’s Pose gently stretches your hips, lower back, and shoulders—areas that often carry tension for new mums. With each breath, you'll feel the release and a renewed sense of vitality.

4. Helps with Digestion: Did you know that Child's Pose can also support healthy digestion? As you fold forward, your internal organs receive a gentle massage, stimulating digestion and relieving any discomfort. It's the perfect remedy for those post-meal bloating blues and can be helpful for those suffering with IBS.

5. Connection with Inner Self: Nothing quite fills the mind and leads to racing thoughts like motherhood. Child's Pose is a beautiful way to slow down, breathe and connect with your inner self. When things start to feel overwhelming, drop into Child’s Pose and take a few minutes (or breaths) to reflect, practice gratitude, and find some inner peace. Embrace the tranquility that comes with honoring your body and taking a moment just for you.

6. Chakra Magic: Child’s Pose is a great pose if you are interested in working with and supporting the Chakras. It can connect us with our Root Chakra (grounding, safety, security), Third-Eye Chakra (inner wisdom, intuition), and even our Sacral Chakra (releasing emotions).

To help you dive deeper into the joys of Child's Pose, I’ve created a special video tutorial just for you! In this short video, I show you some of the different variations you can try. One of the beautiful things about yoga is the opportunity to explore how different poses feel in YOUR body and then finding ways to make it fit you, instead of trying to force yourself into someone else’s idea of how the pose should look. This is what yoga is really about, connecting more deeply with your body and what feels good to YOU. You deserve this nurturing and empowering experience!

Join my FREE Mama Love Library to watch the video now.